Benefits of lemongrass

11:02 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The health benefits of lemongrass is tremendous due to its superior anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties.


Benefits bay leaves

11:16 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Pleasantly aromatic bay leaf or bay-laurel is one of the well-recognized culinary leaf-spices in use since the earliest times.  In the legends, bay laurel is deemed as the tree of the Sun god, under the celestial sign of Leo.


Benefits tuber roses

10:45 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We recently had the pleasure of dining at a Thai restaurant, where they employed Tuberose bulb in their cooking.


Benefits of papaya flower

8:44 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Every morning, she hovered around her garden and stretched out to reach for the flowers of papaya. Thankfully, the trees that grew in her garden were only a little taller than her petite self. She would deliberately choose flowers over the ripe fruits. One by one, she would pluck the delicate, small off-white flowers and gather the fresh produce in a little cane basket. She could easily distinguish the flowers by their shapes: the pear shaped ones were the female flowers and the cylindrical ones were the male flowers.


Benefits of plant eucalyptus

11:29 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Eucalyptus is a fast growing evergreen tree native to Australia. There are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production.

Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The oil is a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet scent.


Benefits of neem plant

9:18 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Neem leaf, also known as neem plant is an essential ingredient in many Ayurveda medicines. Neem leaves are known to contain nimbin, nimbinen, nimbolide, nimandial, ninbinene and other beneficial compounds that have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. Gedunin and nimbidol found in the leaves of neem are powerful antifungal agents that destroy fungi which cause athlete foot, ringworm and nail fungus.


Benefits of jasmine

9:05 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The health benefits of jasmine tea include a reduced risk of heart attacks, a stronger immune system, and the prevention of diabetes. Jasmine tea also helps prevent cancer, while reducing stress, improving digestive processes, and lowering cholesterol. It has also been found to eliminate harmful bacteria and ease chronic inflammation like muscle aches and pains.


Benefits of meniran for health

8:52 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Meniran ( Phylanthus urinaria, Linn) is scientifically effective to improve body immune system and heals hepatitis, respiratory disorders, diabetes mellitus, jaundice and diarrhea.


The benefits of the plant cat's whiskers

8:32 PM Unknown 0 Comments

here is the article about cat's whisker that can be uses as a herbal medicine (herbal remedies) or traditional medicine to cure some diseases. typically the plants live in tropical country. Indonesia is one of the country that has alot of cats's whisker. below are the pictures of this plant: 


Benefits of aloe vera

8:23 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Aloe vera is quite an incredible medicinal plant full of nutritional benefits. It is a succulent plant and part of the lily family (Liliaceae), the same family that garlic and onions belong to. Different parts of the plant are used for different purposes and aloe vera has both internal and external applications. I love to juice aloe and use it in my clear skin juice and recently started making fresh aloe vera salads. I also like to add aloe to my smoothies to gain some of the benefits of this incredible plant. (Update: Due to the tremendous amount of emails I now receive each week about aloe vera, I will include here that I don’t consume aloe every day. Its medicinal, and like all plant medicines, should not be consumed every single day. I use my intuition when working with plant medicines and never usually consume it for more than a week at a time. When I do use aloe in my smoothies or juices, I cut a piece of aloe about 1 inch long and open up the skin and only add in the clear inner gel of the aloe plant.) Be sure to read the last section about over-use of this plant as well as dose recommendations. I consume fresh aloe, because that’s what I have access to. (Want to experience fresh aloe? Check out our Raw Food Hawaii Retreats and come join us for a life-changing experience.) When I didn’t have access to fresh aloe, I drank the Lily of the Desert Organic Aloe Vera Juice. I recommend buying smaller bottles and drinking it within a couple of weeks upon opening. See below for aloe vera dose recommendations.