Benefits of plants Biduri

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Biduri medical plant commonly found in the area be in season droughts, such as grasslands, dry mountain slopes are low, and sandy beaches. Erect shrub, 0.5 to 3 m high Stem round, thick, thick-haired young twigs white. Single leaf, short-stemmed, the location of line of sight. Leaf blade oval or elliptic, blunt tip, base heart-shaped, flat edge, pinnate, 8-30 cm long, 4-15 cm wide, light green. The upper surface of young leaves strands of white hair tightly (slowly disappearing), whereas the lower surface remains thick white hair. Compound interest in a child's umbrella, at the leaf tip or armpit. Meeting haired flower stalks, flower-shaped crown steering the ship, lilac, sometimes white. The fruit is fruit tube, oval or elliptic, base of the fruit in the form of association, length of 9-10 cm, green. Seeds small, oval, flattened, brown, short hair, thick hair like silk long appendix. If one of the wounded plant, will issue a white sap, dilute, it was bitter and chelating, over time was sweet, strong odor, and toxic. Biduri medical plant bark contains fiber material that can be used to make nets. Biduri can be propagated by seed.

Medical plant biduri could be treatable disease : nature and indications: Skin root biduri kolagoga effective (diaforetik) by stimulators vomiting (vomited), stimulates digestive enzymes (alternate), and peluruh of urine (diuretic). Biduri effective bark, flowers, an effective tonic, and increased appetite (stomakik). Rubifasien nutritious leaves and eliminate the itch. SAP are poisonous and can cause vomiting. However, efficiency, as laxative.
